Lingxiao Jia

Previous Research

During my undergraduate study, I joined Dr. Jianping Huang’s team, and did the following research. 1. Gaussian Beam Migration Mastered the theorems and algorithms of both kinematic and dynamic ray tracing; performed the Gaussian beam simulations and the simulation of point source using Gaussian beams (the Green’s function). Based on this, I implemented the Gaussian beam migration in angular domain, and obtained good results. 2. Seismic Response of Thin Sand-shale Interbed Seismic resolution - S transform & Generalized S transform. (National Undergraduate Innovative Experiment Program) Instructor: Dr. Junhua Zhang 3. Software I wrote the software for acoustic and elastic wave forward modeling using the finite-difference method. User can set model parameters freely, and obtain the corresponding snapshots and shot records, which can be saved as independent files.   Moreover, I participated in the project of The Software Development of 3D Gaussian Beam Migration, and wrote the Image Display Module, by which users can zoom the image, or choose the way to view the image, etc.

In Progress…

I joined Dr. Subhashis Mallick’s team in August 2015, and I am presently working on reverse time migration (RTM) for anisotropic media. Currently, I am working on improving the computing efficiency of 3D finite element forward modeling method for anisotropic media, in terms of both algorithm and programming. After that I will apply it to RTM.
Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Wyoming

© Lingxiao Jia | University of Wyoming