About me

Post-doctoral research scholar at University of Wyoming
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics (WyCEHG)

University of Wyoming
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3006
Laramie, WY 82071

Earth Sciences Bldg Room 2038
Google Scholar

Research and work experiences

2015- :
Post-doctoral research scholar, University of Wyoming (Laramie, Wyoming)
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics (WyCEHG)
Working with W. Steven Holbrook

Post-doctoral research and teaching scholar ("ATER"), UPMC (Paris, France)
Research: UMR 7619 METIS
Teachings (192 hours/year): Polytech Paris-UPMC

Ph.D. candidate - Teaching assistant, UPMC (Paris, France)
Research: UMR 7619 METIS
Teachings (64 hours/year): UFR 918 TEB

2011 (6 months):
Master's degree internship, UMR 211 BIOEMCO - IRD (Khon Kaen, Thailand)
Electrical resistivity mapping of soils

2010 (6 months):
Master's degree internship, INERIS (Nancy, France)
Microseismicity monitoring

2009 (5 months):
Master's degree internship, Murphy Surveys (Kilcullen, Ireland)
Geophysical utility mapping

2008 (3 months):
Bachelor's degree internship, Laboratoire de Géochimie des Isotopes Stables - IPGP (Paris, France)
Geochemical study of iron flows during weathering of basalts around the Lac Pavin (Puy de Dôme, France)


Ph.D. in Applied Geophysics (defended in Nov. 2014) at UPMC - UMR 7619 METIS
Advisors: Roger Guérin and Ludovic Bodet
Title: Use of seismic methods for hydrogeophysics: importance of Vp/Vs ratio and contribution of surface waves

M.S. in Applied Geophysics at UPMC, Paris, with honours
Internship at UMR 211 BIOEMCO - IRD (Khon Kaen, Thailand)
Advisor: Gaghik Hovhannissian
Title: Evaluation of the topographic effect on the results of mapping by electrical resistivity method: application to rubber tree plantation on Ban Non Tun experimental site in north-east of Thailand

M.S. in Surface and Subsurface Geophysics at IPGP, Paris, with honours
Internship at INERIS (Nancy, France)
Advisor: Isabelle Contrucci
Title: Microseismic surveillance of the iron basin in Lorraine (France)

B.S. in Earth and Planetary Sciences at Université Denis Diderot in the Earth and Planetary Sciences department, Paris


Licence 1:

Introduction to geosciences (1T001) - UFR TEB
36hrs in 2014-2015

Licence 2:

Bibliography (LT201) - UFR TEB
15hrs in 2011-2012

Geophysics - Ocean - Atmosphere - Climate (2T401) - UFR TEB
29hrs in 2014-2015

Licence 3:

Geophysics and rock physics (LT304) - UFR TEB
22hrs in 2013-2014

Field training in geology (EPU-S6-GL6) - Polytech
30hrs in 2014-2015

Master 1:

Field training in applied geophysics (EPU-S8-GG2) - Polytech
60hrs in 2012-2013 and 2014-2015
30hrs in 2011-2012 and 2013-2014

Potential methods: magnetism (EPU-S8-GG7) - Polytech
9hrs in 2011-2012

Project of modelling and processing for geosciences (EPU-S8-GG5) - Polytech
27hrs in 2014-2015
3hrs in 2011-2012

Applied geology and geotechnics (EPU-S8-GL4) - Polytech
4hrs in 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015

Signal processing and geostatistics (MU511) - UFR TEB
8hrs in 2011-2012
7hrs in 2012-2013

Master 2:

Engineer project in hydrogeology, geotechnics and applied geophysics (EPU-S9-GP1) - Polytech
18hrs in 2014-2015

Field and laboratory experiments

2016 (7 days):
Multi-scale geophysical prospecting in the Obsidian Pool Thermal Area (OPTA) - Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, USA)
P-wave seismic refraction tomography - Electrical resistivity tomography - Transient electro-magnetic sounding - Surface-wave profiling - Electro-magnetic induction mapping - Ground penetrating radar

2016 (4 days):
Characterization of soil thickness and saprolite depth - Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory (South Carolina, USA)
Ground penetrating radar - Electromagnetic induction mapping - Borehole logging

2015 (5 days):
Multi-scale geophysical prospecting in the Obsidian Pool Thermal Area (OPTA) - Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, USA)
P-wave seismic refraction tomography - Electrical resistivity tomography - Transient electro-magnetic sounding - Surface-wave profiling

2015 (3 days):
Geophysical characterization of an abandoned quarry of Chalk - Saint-Martin-le-Noeud (Picardie, France)
P-wave seismic refraction tomography - Surface-wave profiling

2015 (10 days):
Geophysical prospecting on the banks of the Monteynard-Avignonet lake (Isère, France)
Field training supervision
Magnetic profiling - Electro-magnetic induction mapping - P-wave seismic refraction tomography - Electrical resistivity tomography - Electrical sounding - Transient electro-magnetic sounding - Penetrometer sounding - Auger sounding - Topographic survey

2015 (6 days):
Geophysical and archeological prospecting in Tabbet al-Guesh (South of Saqqarah, Egypt)
Collaboration with the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale
Electromagnetic mapping - Ground penetrating radar profiling

2014 (21 days):
Designing and optimising an experimental setup to study seismic wave propagation in saturated and partially saturated unconsolidated granular media at Université du Maine (Le Mans, France)
Collaboration with the Geosciences Department of UMR 6112 and the LAUM, within a INSU-EC2CO funding
Laser-doppler interferometry - Physical modelling - Time domain reflectometry

2014 (5 days):
Geophysical prospecting on the banks of the Monteynard-Avignonet lake (Isère, France)
Field training supervision
Magnetic profiling - Electromagnetic mapping - Ground penetrating radar profiling - P-wave seismic refraction tomography - Electrical resistivity tomography - Electrical sounding - Topographic survey

2013 (4 days):
Geophysical characterization of the railway platform along the LGV Nord Europe (Somme, France)
Collaboration with Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, within a SNCF funding
Surface-wave profiling

2013 (4 days):
Hydrogeophysical characterization of shallow aquifer in the Orgeval basin (Seine-et-Marne, France)
Collaboration with Mines ParisTech, within a INSU-EC2CO funding
P and SH-wave seismic refraction tomography - Surface-wave profiling - Electrical resistivity tomography - Auger sounding - Gravimetric water content measurements

2013 (10 days):
Geophysical prospecting on the banks of the Monteynard-Avignonet lake (Isère, France)
Field training supervision
Magnetic mapping - Electromagnetic mapping - Ground penetrating radar profiling - P-wave seismic refraction tomography - Electrical sounding - Auger sounding - Topographic survey

2013 (3 days):
Hydrogeophysical characterization of shallow aquifer in the Orgeval basin (Seine-et-Marne, France)
Collaboration with Mines ParisTech, within a INSU-EC2CO funding
P and SH-wave seismic refraction tomography - Surface-wave profiling - Electrical resistivity tomography

2012 (3 days):
Geophysical characterization of a hydrocarbon polluted site (Bouches-du-Rhône, France)
Collaboration with ENSEGID, within A. Blondel Ph.D. thesis works
P and SH-wave seismic refraction tomography - Surface-wave profiling

2012 (15 days):
Quick-clay geophysical characterization in a formerly-glaciated area (Trondheim, Norway)
Collaboration with University of Oslo, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and NORSAR, within G. Sauvin Ph.D. thesis works
P and SH-wave seismic refraction tomography - Surface-wave profiling - Time domain electro-magnetic sounding

2012 (5 days):
Geophysical characterization of a granite-micaschists contact at Ploemeur hydrological observatory (Morbihan, France)
Collaboration with Géosciences Rennes, within a CPR Polytech Paris-UPMC funding
P and SH-wave seismic refraction tomography - Surface-wave profiling - Electrical resistivity tomography

2012 (5 days):
Geophysical and archeological prospecting in Bayeux (Calvados, France)
Field training supervision
Electrical resistivity mapping - Magnetic mapping - Electromagnetic mapping - Magnetic susceptibility mapping - Ground penetrating radar profiling - Electrical resistivity tomography - P-wave seismic refraction tomography - Electrical sounding - Penetrometer sounding - Auger sounding

2012 (4 days):
Geophysical characterization of a karstic system (Aveyron, France)
P-wave seismic refraction tomography - Downhole seismic - Surface-wave prospecting

2011 (5 days):
Geophysical characterization of a granite-micaschists contact at Ploemeur hydrological observatory (Morbihan, France)
Collaboration with Géosciences Rennes, within a CPR Polytech Paris-UPMC funding
P-wave seismic refraction tomography - Surface-wave profiling

2011 (20 days):
Soil spatial variability mapping (Khon Kaen, Thailand)
Master's degree field work
Electrical resistivity mapping - Electrical resistivity tomography - Topographic survey