
I’m Cassie; I’m an MS Candidate at the University of Wyoming. I am studying the weathering of the Sherman and Lincoln Granite outcrops in Vedauwoo, Morton Pass, and the Sherman Mountains of Laramie, Wyoming with my adviser Janet Dewey.

Seen best in satellite view, Vedauwoo Campground is right next to the odd Vedauwoo granite structures. Parts of the Sherman Granite has been weathered into very tall, columular structures - a striking contrast to the rest of the comparitively flat topography covered in weathered Sherman Granite.

A short outcrop of Sherman Granite at Vedauwoo in Laramie, Wy with me standing next to the outcrop for scale.

I love geology and I find the interaction of geology with other scientific fields fascinating. I am particularly interested in geochemistry and geobiology/geomicrobiology, and geoclimatology and the interaction of all these fields. It is amazing how much diverse knowledge you must take into account in order to really understand an environment.

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