About Me

I took the typical path of going to college straight of out of high school. Although I’ve loved picking up rocks my whole life, I never thought about becoming a geologist. I had no idea what field I wanted to study in. During a college orientation at New Mexico Tech, where I received my Bachelor of Science, I ended up in a presentation held by the geology department. “Travel, travel, travel” was the theme. I was sold. I declared my major as geology.

Geology was a hard road for me - so many interesting and diverse paths to take and so little time to study it all. My main interests include geochemistry, geobiology, and climate change. I enjoy the challenge of trying to keep all of these different influences in mind and apply them to how I think about geology. 

Right now, I’m focused on staying in acedemia. I love school and I’m excited to be doing some real research. In the future, I hope to pursue a PhD and eventually end up in research or staying in academia. I have also had so few chances to travel; I would love to be able to get away from the office and explore non-local areas.

© Geo Open User 2014