Drew Thayer
University of Wyoming
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M.S. Candidate
Interdisciplinary Program in Water Resources
University of Wyoming
Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology
and Geophysics
Laramie, Wyoming
Advised by 
Dr. Andrew Parsekian
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I earned a B.A. in geology at Colorado College where I gained an appetite for spatial
interpretations and rigorous fieldwork. As a part of WyCEHG, I work with a group
that focuses on creative ways of applying geophysical methods to rugged field
deployments, building the equipment ourselves if we have to. I'm training as a
geophysicist, but I'm always interested in integrating geological interpretations into
hydrological analysis.
I was lured to Laramie by the interdisciplinary WyCEHG research group, the small-
town life, and close proximity to pristine bike trails and rock crags. I spent the last
several years in western Colorado working in the dynamic and demanding world of
wilderness therapy and exploring the cliffs and ski slopes of the San Juan
mountains. My climbing pursuits have ranged across the American west and abroad
to Canada, Peru, Thailand, and Argentina, and these days I'm excited to explore
Laramie’s local storied crag, Vedauwoo. In between learning about the natural world
and exploring it, I keep the balance by crafting fermented foods and beverages,
raising chickens, and keeping my aging bikes operational.
About Me
About me:
I am an M.S. student at the University of Wyoming, here in
Laramie to pursue applications of near-surface geophysics to
mountain hydrology and water resources investigations.
Drew Thayer
Hydrogeophysics Water Resources
University of Wyoming
I’ve always been intersted in the intersection of science with policy. In the Water Resources program I get to learn about water quality, spatial analysis of watersheds, and the complex world of western Water Law, particularly focusing on the Colorado River basin and the federal regulations that impact water resources devolopment and protection.