Beyond Acadamia


I am an east coast boy, who loves adventures, tinkering, anything outdoors, surfing and music. I unfortunalty had to leave a surfing and playing in a great band behind to come to pursue graduate school (although I hear there is a Wyoming surf club). My previous band Lightning Jar is still tearing it up back in New Jersey, so check them out if you get a chance!


As far as adventures go, I enjoy all sorts, but especially like to get out and travel for longer stints if I can. I truely believe in the saying you either have time or money, and I generally take advantage of the rare instances when I have both. My more recent adventures have included a couple months in Morocco and a year in New Zealand. 


I see travelling as not only adventure, but as an alternative education. There is something about interacting with people from different cultures and foriegn landscapes that can teach you what no book can.


© Nathan Maier 2013-Last Modified 11/25/13