Lisa B. Kant
Curriculum Vitae
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PhD Student, Geology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Utilizing U-Th series isotopes along with other geochemical methods to examine the processes and timescales of magmatism in
Ecuador (adviser: Dr. Kenneth W.W. Sims)
BS Geology, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, May 2013
Magna Cum Laude with Honors in Geology
3.8 GPA overall; 3.97 within major
Previous Research:
Senior Thesis at the University of Puget Sound: “The Eocene Basalt of Summit Creek, Central Cascades, Washington:
Magmatism Associated with Farallon Slab Breakoff”
•Conducted a geochemical and isotopic study of the Basalt of Summit Creek to determine the causes of compositional diversity and the
tectonic setting in which it formed, with the overall goal of gaining further understanding of Pacific Northwest tectonics during the
•Analyzed samples by ICP-OES and SEM-EDS at the University of Puget Sound and performed Sr and Nd isotopic separations at the
University of Washington
•Preparing a manuscript for publication
Teaching Experience:
Teacher’s Assistant, Man and Geology: The Control of Nature First Year Seminar, University of Wyoming, Spring 2016
•Assited with a course teaching the fundamentals of critical thinking and communication to first year undergraduate students through
studying the connections between humans and geology
Teacher’s Assistant, Physical Geology Lab, University of Wyoming, Fall 2015
•Taught and supervised lab sessions for the introductory geology course
Professional Experience:
Wellsite Geologist, Columbine Logging, Denver, CO, July 2014-March 2015
•Analyzed cuttings lithology and monitored other parameters such as gas levels and gamma during drilling to create a mudlog detailing
downhole geology
Intern, Walsh Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, September 2013-January 2014
•Assisted with preparation of environmental impact assessments and management plans for projects related to oil and gas
development, tourism, and conservation
•Kant, L.B., Tepper, J.H. and Eddy, M.P. (2015), Basalt of Summit Creek: Eocene Magmatism Associated with Slab Break Off, Abstract
V23C-03 presented at the 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
•Kant, L.B., Sims, K.W.W., Matthews, T.P., Scott, S.R., Garrison J.M., Yogodzinski, G.M., Blichert-Toft, J., Reagan, M.R., Hidalgo, S.,
Mothes, P.A., and Hall, M. (2015), Using U-Series Isotopes to Investigate the Effects of Thick Continental Crust on Arc Volcanics:
Insights from Reventador Volcano, Ecuador, presented at the GeoPRISMS Subduction Cycles and Deformation Theoretical and
Experimental Institute, Redondo Beach, CA, 11-14 Oct.
•Kant, L.B., Tepper, J.H. and Nelson, B.K. (2012), Petrology of the Basalt of Summit Creek: A [Slab] Window into Pacific Northwest
Tectonics during the Eocene, Abstract T23E-2732 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 Dec.
•Kant, L.B., Nabelek, J. and Braunmiller, J. (2011) Crustal Structure beneath Pleasant Valley, Nevada from Local and Regional
Earthquake Travel Times, Abstract S41A-2149 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 5-9 Dec.
Honors and Awards:
Women and Minorities Graduate Assistantship, University of Wyoming, Fall 2015-Fall 2016
Norman R. Anderson Award for University of Puget Sound outstanding geology major, 2013
Wiseman Scholarship for academic achievement in geology, University of Puget Sound, 2012
NSF REU award through the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology Internship Program, 2011
Geological Society of America Subaru Minority Student Scholarship, Cordilleran Section, 2011
Lisa B. Kant