Pasquet, S., Holbrook, W. S., Carr, B. J., Sims, K. W. W., 2016. Geophysical imaging of shallow degassing in a Yellowstone hydrothermal system. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(23). More details about data processing and rock physics modeling are available in the Supporting Information. Article in cover of Geophysical Research Letters, December 2016. ![]() |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Bergamo, P., Guérin, R., Martin, R., Mourgues, R., Tournat, V., 2016. Small-scale seismic monitoring of varying water levels in granular media. Vadose Zone Journal, 15(7). More info in VZJ research highlights, September 2016. |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Longuevergne, L., Dhemaied, A., Camerlynck, C., Rejiba, F., Guérin, R., 2015. 2D characterization of near-surface Vp/Vs: surface-wave profiling versus refraction tomography. Near Surface Geophysics, 13(4), 315-331. |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Dhemaied, A., Mouhri, A., Vitale, Q., Rejiba, F., Flipo, N., Guérin, R., 2015. Detecting different water table levels in a shallow aquifer with combined P-, surface and SH-wave surveys: insights from Vp/Vs or Poisson’s ratios. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 113, 38-50. |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L. SWIP: an integrated workflow for surface-wave dispersion inversion and profiling. Submitted to Geophysics, minor revisions requested. |
Novitsky, C. G., Holbrook, W. S., Pasquet, S., Okaya, D., Flichum, B. A., Carr, B. J. Fracture Azimuths in the Shallow Critical Zone from Seismic Anisotropy: Evidence of Tectonic Inheritance. Submitted to Geophysical Research Letters. |
Pasquet, S., Hovhannissian, G., Chintachao, W., Siriboon, R., Rejiba, F. Impacts of topographic effect and land management practices on soil electrical resistivity: a case study in a rubber tree plantation in NE Thailand. Submitted to Journal of Applied Geophysics. |
Callahan, R. P., Riebe, C. S., Goulden, M., Taylor, N. J., Pasquet, S., Flinchum, B. A., Holbrook, W. S., 2017. Bedrock controls on mountain ecosystems evaluated using geophysics, geochemistry, and remote-sensing. In: Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities, Arlington, VA, USA. |
Bodet, L., Dangeard, M., Pasquet, S., Guérin, R., Jougnot, D., Longuevergne, L., Rivière, A., Thiesson, J., 2017. Towards water content monitoring in the vadose zone from active seismic. In: EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria. |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Bergamo, P., Guérin, R., Martin, R., Mourgues, R., Tournat, V., 2016. Laboratory meter-scale seismic monitoring of varying water levels in granular media. In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (invited presentation, poster). |
Pasquet, S., Holbrook W. S., Carr B. J., Sims K. W. W., 2016. Geophysical imaging of hydrothermal shallow degassing in Yellowstone National Park. In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (poster). |
Holbrook, W. S., Carr, B. J., Pasquet, S., Sims K. W. W., Dickey, K., 2016. Multi-method, multi-scale geophysical observations in the Obsidian Pool Thermal Area, Yellowstone National Park. In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (poster). |
Callahan, R. P., Taylor, N. J., Pasquet, S., Dueker, K. G., Riebe, C. S., Holbrook, W. S., 2016. Probing the critical zone using passive- and active-source estimates of subsurface shear-wave velocities. In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (poster). |
Novitsky, C. G., Holbrook, W. S., Carr, B. J., Pasquet, S., 2016. Fracture orientation in the shallow critical zone from seismic anisotropy. In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (poster). |
Peters, M. P., Holbrook, W. S., Flinchum, B. A., Pasquet, S., 2016. Correlation of seismic wave velocities with fracture densities: Implications for the critical zone in mountain watersheds. In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (talk). |
Taylor, N. J., Riebe, C. S., Dueker, K. G., Goulden, M., Flinchum, B. A., Pasquet, S., Callahan, R. P., Hahm, W. J., Keifer, I. S., Holbrook, W. S., 2016. Comprehensive seismic surveys suggest that subsurface water-holding capacity is secondary to bedrock nutrient content as a regulator of vegetation productivity in the Sierra Nevada Batholith, California. In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (poster). |
Dangeard, M., Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Guérin, R., Longuevergne, L., Thiesson, J., 2016. Temporal variations observed in near-surface seismic data at the Ploemeur hydrogeological observatory. In: 43rd IAH International Congress. IAH, Montpellier, France (poster). |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., 2016. Integrated workflow for surface-wave dispersion inversion and profiling. In: Near Surface Geoscience 2016 – 22nd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. EAGE, Barcelona, Spain (extended abstract, poster). |
Dangeard, M., Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Guérin, R., Longuevergne, L., Thiesson, J., 2016. Temporal variations of near-surface seismic data at the Ploemeur (France) hydrogeological observatory. In: Near Surface Geoscience 2016 – 22nd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. EAGE, Barcelona, Spain (extended abstract, poster). |
Rivière, A., Flipo, N., Mouhri, A., Ansart, P., Baudin, A., Berrhouma, A., Bodet, L., Cocher, E., Cucchi, K., Durand, V., Flageul, S., de Fouquet, C., Goblet, P., Hovhannissian, G., Jost, A., Pasquet, S., Rejiba, F., Rubin, Y., Tallec, G., Mouchel, J.M., 2016. Spatio-temporal surface-subsurface water exchanges: from the local to the watershed scale. In EGU general assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria (talk). |
Pasquet, S., Guérin, R., Barhoum, S., Audebert, M., Bodet, L., Dangeard, M., Gombert, P., Valdès-Lao, D., Vitale, Q., 2016. Geophysical characterization of the vadose zone above an abandoned underground quarry of Chalk. In: 29th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, EEGS, Denver, USA (talk). |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Chalikakis, K., Flipo, N., Longuevergne, L., Guérin, R., 2015. Encouraging the use of seismic methods for the hydrogeophysical characterization of the critical zone. In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (poster). |
Bodet, L., Pasquet, S., Bergamo, P., Martin, R., Mourgues, R., Tournat, V., 2015. Experimental illustrations of seismic-wave properties of interest for hydrogeological studies. In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (invited presentation). |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Bergamo, P., Camerlynck, C., Dhemaied, A., Flipo, N., Guérin, R., Longuevergne, L., Mouhri, A., Mourgues, R., Rejiba, F., Tournat, V., Vitale, Q., 2015. Contribution of seismic methods to hydrogeophysics. In: Near Surface Geoscience 2015 – 21th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. EAGE, Turin, Italy (extended abstract, poster). |
Bodet, L., Pasquet, S., Dhemaied, A., Boisson-Gaboriau, J., Cui, Y.J., Leroux, P., Nebieridze, S., Tang, A.M., Terpereau, J.M., Vitale, Q., 2015. Seismic surface-wave analysis for railway platform auscultation. In: Near Surface Geoscience 2015 – 21th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. EAGE, Turin, Italy (extended abstract, talk). |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Guérin, R., 2015. Contribution of seismic methods to hydrogeophysics: recent advances within CRITEX. In: 20th International Association of Hydrogeologists French Chapter Technical days. “Hard-Rock Aquifers: the up to date concepts and the practical applications”. CFH-AIH, La Roche-sur-Yon, France (extended abstract, poster). |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Vitale, Q., Rejiba, F., Guérin, R., Mourgues, R., Tournat, V., 2015. Laser-Doppler acoustic probing of granular media with varying water levels. In: 2015 International Congress on Ultrasonics. ICU, Metz, France (extended abstract, talk). |
Pasquet, S., Sauvin, G., Andriamboavonjy, M. R., Bodet, L., Lecomte, I., Guérin, R., 2014. Surface-wave dispersion inversion versus SH-wave refraction tomography in saturated and poorly dispersive quick clays (Dragvoll, Norway). In: Near Surface Geoscience 2014 – 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. EAGE, Athens, Greece (extended abstract, talk). |
Bodet, L., Bergamo, P., Dhemaied, A., Martin, R., Mourgues, R., Pasquet, S., Rejiba, F., Socco, L. V., Tournat, V., 2014. Surface-wave analyses in unconsolidated granular models with increasing degrees of complexity. In: 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. EAGE, Amsterdam, Netherlands (extended abstract). |
Hovhannissian, G., Im-Erb, R., Siriboon, R., Pasquet, S., Siltecho, S., Wiriyakitnateekul, W., Podwojewski, P., 2013. Contribution of geophysics to the study of soil spatial variability and of detailed physico-chemical analyses to assess land management impact in an experimental plantation of rubber trees. In: The 2nd WASWAC world conference. Chiang Rai, Thailand, p. B69 (extended abstract). |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Dhemaied, A., Flipo, N., Guérin, R., Mouhri, A., Rejiba, F., Vitale, Q., 2013. Seismic velocities to characterize the soil-aquifer continuum on the Orgeval experimental basin (France). In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (poster). |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Dhemaied, A., Guérin, R., Longuevergne, L., Rejiba, F., 2013. Seismic surface-wave dispersion profiling versus shear-wave refraction tomography on a granite-micaschists contact at Plœmeur hydrological observatory (France). In: AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco, USA (poster). |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Longuevergne, L., Dhemaied, A., Rejiba, F., Camerlynck, C., Guérin, R., 2013. Surface-wave analysis for pseudo-2D Vs profiling on a granite-micaschists contact at Plœmeur hydrological observatory, France. In: Hydrogeophysics Workshop. Hornberg, Germany (poster). |
Thiesson, J., Schutz, G., Sauvin, C., Dhemaied, A., Vitale, Q., Pasquet, S., Buvat, S., Bodet, L., Guérin, R., 2013. Geophysical prospection integrated in an archaeological restitution: The case of Bayeux (Normandy, France). In: International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Vienna, Austria (poster). |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Longuevergne, L., Dhemaied, A., Rejiba, F., Camerlynck, C., Guérin, R., 2012. Surface-wave dispersion stacking on a granite-micaschists contact at Ploemeur hydrological observatory, France. In: Near Surface Geoscience 2012 – 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. EAGE, Paris, France (extended abstract, talk). |
Pasquet, S., Siltecho, S., Rungsun, I.-E., Hammecker, C., Clermont, C., Wiriyakitnateekul, W., Suvannang, N., Silvera, N., Robain, H., Podwojewski, P., Hovhannissian, G., 2011. Soil spatial variability studies by geophysical methods and its effect on "soil-water-plant-atmosphere" interaction processes in rubber-tree plantations in Thailand. In: Annual seminar of the Hevea Research Platform in Partnership (HRPP). Surat Thani, Thailand (talk). |
Pasquet, S., Bodet, L., Dhemaied, A., Mouhri, A., Vitale, Q., Rejiba, F., Flipo, N., Guérin, R., 2014. Méthodes sismiques pour la détection de différents niveaux de nappe dans des aquifères superficiels. In: GEOFCAN 2014, Orsay, France (extended abstract, poster). |
Dhemaied, A., Cui, Y. J., Tang, A. M., Nebieridze, S., Terpereau, J. M., Leroux, P., Bodet, L., Pasquet, S., 2014. Caractérisation des sols prélevés in-situ. In: GEORAIL 2014, 2ème Symposium International en Géotechnique Ferroviaire. Marne-la-Vallée, France. |
Thiesson, J., Schutz, G., Dhemaied, A., Sauvin, C., Pasquet, S., Vitale, Q., Bodet, L., Guérin, R., 2013. Investigation géophysique multi-méthodes en milieu urbain : l’expérience bayeusienne (Bayeux, Calvados). In: Archéométrie Caen 2013. Caen, France (poster). |
Pasquet, S., Camerlynck, C., Hovhannissian, G., 2011. Étude de l’effet topographique sur les mesures de résistivité électrique dans une plantation expérimentale d’hévéas au Nord-Est de la Thaïlande. In: Journées scientifiques GEOFCAN-GFHN : Milieux poreux et géophysique. Orléans, France, pp. 65–69 (extended abstract, talk). |
Pasquet, S., 2011. Evaluation of the topographic effect on the results of mapping by electrical resistivity method: application to rubber-tree plantation on Ban Non Tun experimental site in North-East of Thailand. Complete report, National Research Council of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand. |
Bodet, L., Dhemaied, A., Pasquet, S., Rejiba, F., Guérin, R., 2014. Caractérisation mécanique de la plateforme ferroviaire par méthodes géophysiques : estimation des vitesses de cisaillement par « ondes de surface ». Rapport interne, SNCF. |
Bodet, L., Rejiba, F., Hovhannissian, G., Pasquet, S., Mouhri, A., Flageul, S., Vitale, Q., Dhemaied, A., Ansart, P., Flipo, N., Guérin, R., 2014. Mesure des cinétiques hydrogéophysiques aux interfaces. Rapport d’activité 2013, PIREN Seine. |
Pasquet, S., 2014. Apport des méthodes sismiques à l'hydrogéophysique : importance du rapport Vp/Vs et contribution des ondes de surface. Thèse de doctorat, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. |